Fibers for Concrete



The steel fibers act as a three-dimensional reinforcement, reducing the tensions applied in the structural element, thus increasing its resistance. Its use provides reduction of crack formation, run time, materials waste and application costs.


– Replaces traditional armatures in applications such as: floors and pavements, tunnel linings and structures recovery;

– Easy application;

Increases the charge capacity;

– Reduces cracks formation;

– Provides better behaviour to thermal variations


Polypropylene fibers for concrete and mortar: durability, versatility and economy. Engineers, architects, builders and designers have long coexisted with one of the most well known concrete and mortar pathologies: retraction cracks. The retraction cracks, which appear in the early days, perhaps in the first hours of life of a structure, which is usually designed to last for years, greatly diminishes the durability of the work. Although some construction professionals have already succumbed to cracks, many others, concerned about customer satisfaction, are looking for alternatives to solve the problem.