

The application of waterproofing aims to protect the structure against the invasion of gases, moisture, water and action of materials brought by the wind, in order to avoid the fall of the durability of a construction. Statistics show that waterproofing accounts for 2 to 3% of the cost of a development while the cost of repair is around 20%. Not to mention that 50% of the problems found in a development are caused by non-use or incorrect use of waterproofing products.

The waterproofing products are divided into three groups:


They are materials that do not work with the thermal expansion, can be applied to the mass or as paint, do not work with the structure after drying.

– Asphalt Paints

– Waterproofing Additives

– Waterproofing for Facades


They accept few movements of thermal expansion, film-forming products, usually cementitious, do not suffer the negative action of the sun.

– Polymeric Mortars

– Thermoplastic Resins


They are materials that exhibit excellent thermal expansion performance, form asphalt or acrylic films, are applied in the form of paint or glued, may or may not undergo negative influence of the sun.

– Asphalt Emulsions

– Acrylic Emulsions

– Blankets